

橋本 祐介ハシモト ユウスケ


  • スポーツ科学部 スポーツ科学科 アスレティックトレーニングコース
  • 大学院 スポーツ科学研究科 スポーツ医学
大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科 博士課程卒業




2004年2月 第49回大阪市医学会市長賞
2005年3月 第18回軟骨代謝学会賞
2007年7月 第25回日本骨代謝学会優秀ポスター賞
2009年5月 整形災害外科学研究助成財団 科研製薬奨励賞
2010年10月 The 7th Combined Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Societies
A New Application for Ligament and Meniscus Reconstruction using BMP-2. Yusuke Hashimoto, Yoshifumi Naka, Hiroaki Nakamura, Kunio Takaoka. 2010 New Investigator Recognition Award (NIRA)
2017年5月 GOTS/JOSSM/KOSSM traveling fellow
2021年7月 JOSKAS/JOSSM2021 ベスト口演賞「辺縁部不安定性症例に対する形成縫合術と亜全摘手術の術後成績と軟骨への影響」

・橋本祐介 内側たな障害 AT専門基礎科目テキスト 第3巻 P149 文光堂 2024
・橋本祐介、西野壱哉、中村博亮 外側円板状半月の診断法 (株)全日本病院出版会 Monthly Book Orthopaedics.Vol37No2p31-39. 2024
・橋本祐介 離断性骨軟骨炎の病態と治療・リハビリテーション 臨床スポーツ医学Vol41No1p48-54.2024 
・橋本祐介, 西野壱哉, 中村博亮 半月板のバイオメカニクス 〜形状と組織に注目して〜 臨床バイオメカニクス 65-70 43 , 2022
・橋本祐介 外側半月板②円板状半月板の修復、形成修復 メディカルビュー社 膝の関節鏡視下手術テクニカルガイド 2022 p150-160
・橋本祐介 World report 今月の海外文献 メディカ出版 整形外科Surgical Technique 2022 vol12 no6 118-9.
・橋本祐介 外側円板状半月板に対する手術方法の実際 Stryker’s infos stryker社
・寺井秀富橋本祐介西野壱哉中村博亮 ラグビー選手の椎間板 臨床スポーツ医学 2022.39 (3).p256-261 
・橋本祐介 特集 スポーツ外傷・障害の予防と治療-TOKYO 2020が終了して アスリートのマネジメント 医学のあゆみ 2022. 281(8) P815-820
・橋本祐介、木下拓也 FAST-FIX360による半月板縫合術後嚢腫発生率低下の可能性について Case Report Vol.20 March 2022 Smith&Nephew社
・橋本祐介 半月形状による影響 ―円板状半月損傷 臨床スポーツ医学 2021. 38 (12) p1322-1329
・橋本祐介 半月板損傷の治療 半月板損傷に対する機能温存の試み 外側円板状半月に対する手術療法 メディカ社 整形外科 SURGICAL TECHNIQUE 2021.4(11). p448-454
・橋本祐介 水平断裂を伴う円板状半月板に対する処置 文光堂 ビジュアル・サージカルテクニック 膝関節鏡視下手術 2021.5 148-155
・橋本祐介 西田洋平 膝関節リハビリテーション診療マニュアル 半月板損傷治療におけるリハビリテーション治療 (株)全日本病院出版会 MEDICAL REHABILITATION. 2021. No258: 39-45
・橋本祐介 日本医事新報社「整形外科レジデントのための下肢のベーシック手術」半月板損傷に対する手術(主に縫合術) 2020 P113-129
・橋本祐介 半月板Save the Meniscus「円板状半月板に対する縫合術」整形・災害外科第2020 63-5 P667-678
・山崎真哉、橋本祐介 半月板Save the Meniscus 損傷半月板の診断と治療の現状 損傷半月板の治癒判定 MRIに注目して  P547-555
・橋本祐介 嵯峨野書院 「新・スポーツ医学」股関節膝関節 2020 P116-125
・橋本祐介 専門医をめざす症例問題トレーニング 膝・足関節・足疾患  雑誌整形外科2018 69(9) 956-964
・橋本 祐介, 別府 諸兄. 【成長期のスポーツ外傷・障害とリハビリテーション医療・医学】 成長期のスポーツ種目別外傷・障害の特徴とリハビリテーション医療・医学 ジュニアテニス選手に対するメディカルチェックの実際. (株)全日本病院出版会 MEDICAL REHABILITATION. 2018. 228. 56-63
・橋本 祐介. 【知っておきたい半月板損傷の最新知見】 外側円板状半月板に対する手術療法. (株)全日本病院出版会 Orthopaedics. 2018. 31. 4. 41-49
・橋本 祐介, 山崎 真哉. 【半月板損傷治療の最新情報】 半月板損傷治療の現状と課題 半月板手術後のMRIによる質的評価. (株)メジカルビュー社 関節外科. 2018. 37. 3. 295-302
・橋本 祐介. 整形外科手術 名人のknow-how 円板状半月板損傷の治療. 金原出版(株) 整形・災害外科. 2017. 60. 8. 946-951
・橋本 祐介. 【関節鏡手術の最新の話題】 膝関節鏡 外側円板状半月板損傷に対する鏡視下手術. (株)メジカルビュー社 関節外科. 2017. 36. 4月増刊. 157-165
・橋本 祐介. 【復帰を早めるスポーツ損傷低侵襲手術テクニック】 <下肢>外側円板状半月板損傷に対する形成術と縫合術. (株)全日本病院出版会 Orthopaedics. 2016. 29. 5. 53-62
・スポーツ復帰のための手術 膝 円板状半月損傷に対する形成・縫合術 橋本祐介 OS nexus 2016 No5 P88-97 
・橋本 祐介. 【膝の痛み-訴えにどう対応するか-】 スポーツ選手にみられる膝痛の対処法 半月板損傷. (株)全日本病院出版会 Orthopaedics. 2016. 29. 3. 13-21
・橋本 祐介. 【スポーツ選手の半月板損傷-復帰に向けた診療ガイド-】 術後のスポーツ復帰 円板状半月損傷に対する形成・縫合術の適応と術後スポーツ復帰. (株)文光堂 臨床スポーツ医学. 2014. 31. 12. 1180-1186
・橋本 祐介. 【股関節鏡の功罪と未来】 股関節鏡視下手術を行ううえで必要な解剖学的知識. (株)メジカルビュー社 関節外科. 2014. 33. 2. 132-137
・橋本祐介 ジャンパー膝  今日の治療指針2014 P1013-1014
・橋本祐介 半月板再生  再生医学叢書6巻骨格系2012 P160-178
・橋本 祐介. 【股関節鏡視下手術の実際-股関節スポーツ損傷に対するアプローチ-】 基礎医学 股関節唇の組織および力学的特徴. (株)文光堂 臨床スポーツ医学. 2012. 29. 4. 361-365
・橋本祐介 股関節唇損傷の鑑別診断 月刊スポーツメディスン 2012
・松浦 健司, 橋本 祐介, 溝口 大五, 兵頭 惇, 米田 篤史, 島田 永和. スポーツ整形外科 術後リハビリテーション・プログラム 上肢のスポーツ損傷 上腕骨小頭離断性骨軟骨炎. (株)文光堂 臨床スポーツ医学. 2012. 29. 8. 855-862
・松浦 健司, 橋本 祐介, 島田 永和. 【アスリートの肘損傷 病態と治療方針】 投球障害肘の病態と治療 [治療] 上腕骨小頭骨軟骨障害治療 骨釘・骨軟骨柱移植(Mosaic Plasty)による治療. (株)文光堂 臨床スポーツ医学. 2011. 28. 5. 529-535
・橋本祐介 筋肉痛について 健康教室 2011 723 P64-66

2011.9.20 朝日新聞 体とこころの通信簿 「中高年のアキレス腱断裂」
2018.9.17~21朝日新聞 「患者を生きる」 
2019.12.22(日) 読売新聞 病院の実力 大阪編140 「スポーツ傷害(膝・肘)」

1, Simultaneous meniscal repair and temporary guided growth using a tension band plate to correct alignment in pediatric discoid lateral meniscus patients with valgus knee. Hashimoto Y, Nakagawa K, Nishino K, Tomihara T, Takahashi D, Nakamura H, Katsuda H. Arthroscopy technique. 2024 accepted.
2, Combined procedure of arthroscopic pullout medial meniscus root repair from lateral tibia and open-wedge distal tibial tubercle osteotomy. Takigami J, Hashimoto Y,Tomihara T, Taniuchi M, Takahashi D, Katsuda H. Arthroscopy technique. 2024 accepted.
3, Effect of inside-out meniscal repair on meniscal dimension in meniscal tear patients. Kinoshita T, Hashimoto Y, Nishino K, Iida K, Nakamura H. Asia Pac J Sports Med Arthrosc Rehabil Technol. 2024 accepted.
4,Bone-patellar tendon-bone autograft is associated with a higher rate of return to preinjury levels of performance in high-level athletes than anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using hamstring autograft.Tomihara T, Hashimoto Y, Okazaki S, Nishino K, Taniuchi M, Takigami J, Tsumoto S, Katsuda H.Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2024 Apr 1. doi: 10.1002/ksa.12144. Online ahead of print.
5, Male elite soccer players have a higher incidence of accessory ossicles in the foot and ankle.
Kinoshita T, Hashimoto Y, Inui K, Sugama R, Sugimoto T, Akizuki Y, Nakamura H.Int Orthop. 2023 Dec 26. doi: 10.1007/s00264-023-06074-4. Online ahead of print.
6, Comparative analysis of discoid lateral meniscus size: a distinction between symptomatic and asymptomatic cases. Nishino K, Hashimoto Y, Kinoshita T, Iida K, Tsumoto S, Nakamura H.Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2023 Nov 7. doi: 10.1007/s00167-023-07650-2. Online ahead of print.
7, Age based comparison of meniscal dimensions between an asymptomatic complete discoid lateral meniscus and normal meniscus: MRI evaluation. Hashimoto Y, Nishino K, Kinoshita T, Iida K, Nakamura H. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery. 03 Oct 2023 Published online
8, Quadriceps Tendon With Bone Autograft Has Better Stability and Magnetic Resonance Imaging Maturation Than Hamstring Tendon Autograft After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Patients With Knee Hyperextension. Yamasaki S, Hashimoto Y, Iida K, Han C, Kinoshita T, Nishino K, Nishida Y, Takigami J, Nakamura H. Arthroscopy. 2023 Aug 18:S0749-8063(23)00666-7.
9, Saucerization of complete discoid lateral meniscus is associated with change of morphology of the lateral femoral condyle and tibial plateau. Kinoshita T, Hashimoto Y, Nishino K, Iida K, Nakamura H.Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2023 Jul 31. doi: 10.1007/s00402-023-04999-4. Online ahead of print.
10, Lateral meniscus autograft transplantation using hamstring tendon with a sandwiched bone marrow – derived fibrin clot: A case report. Iida K, Hashimoto Y, Nishino K, Nishida Y, Nakamura H.Int J Surg Case Rep. 2023 Jul;108:108444. doi: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2023.108444.
11, Analyses of associated factors with concomitant meniscal injury and irreparable meniscal tear at primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in young patients. Tomihara T, Hashimoto Y, Takahashi S, Taniuchi M, Takigami J, Tsumoto S, Shimada N. Asia Pac J Sports Med Arthrosc Rehabil Technol. 2023 May 8;32:12-17. doi: 10.1016/j.asmart.2023.04.001.
12, Bone Marrow-Derived Fibrin Clots Stimulate Healing of a Meniscal Defect in a Rabbit Model. Kinoshita T, Hashimoto Y, Orita K, Iida K, Takahashi S, Nakamura H. Arthroscopy. 2022 Dec 24:S0749-8063(22)00838-6. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2022.12.013. Epub ahead of print.
13, Arthroscopic surgery for symptomatic discoid lateral meniscus improves meniscal status assessed by magnetic resonance imaging T2 mapping. Nishino K, Hashimoto Y, Nishida Y, Yamasaki S, Nakamura H. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2023 Feb 22. doi: 10.1007/s00402-023-04819-9. Epub ahead of print.
14, Postoperative D-dimer levels predict venous thromboembolisms detected with contrast-enhanced computerized tomography in patients undergoing anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Hashimoto Y, Komiya E, Nishino K, Nishida Y, Masuda A, Nakamura H. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2023 Feb 6;24(1):95. doi: 10.1186/s12891-023-06212-4.
15, The remaining parameters of patellar instability could be affected for osteoarthritic change after medial patellofemoral ligament reconstruction with or without anteromedialization of the tibial tubercle osteotomy for patellar instability: a retrospective cohort study. Hashimoto Y, Nishino K, Tomohiro T, Tsumoto S, Nakamura H. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2023 Jan 23;24(1):56. doi: 10.1186/s12891-022-06100-3.
16, Posterior subtotal meniscectomy revealed the worst scenario for the progression of osteocartilaginous damage in cases of juvenile discoid lateral meniscus with peripheral tear. Hashimoto Y, Nishino K, Yamasaki S, Nishida Y, Tomihara T, Nakamura H. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2023 Jan 3. doi: 10.1007/s00402-022-04747-0. Epub ahead of print.
17, The effect and safety of periarticular multimodal drug injection without morphine and epinephrine in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction Han C, Hashimoto Y, Nakagawa S, Takahashi S, Nishida Y, Yamasaki S, Takigami J, Nakamura H. Journal of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rehabilitation Volume 30: 1–9. 2022. DOI: 10.1177/22104917221136285
18, Bone-patellar tendon-bone autograft and female sex are associated with the presence of cyclops lesions and syndrome after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2022 Nov 9. doi: 10.1007/s00167-022-07219-5. Online ahead of print. Tomihara T, Hashimoto Y, Nishino K, Taniuchi M, Takigami J, Tsumoto S, Katsuda H.
19, The Potential of Using an Autogenous Tendon Graft by Injecting Bone Marrow Aspirate in a Rabbit Meniscectomy Model. .Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Oct 18;23(20):12458. doi: 10.3390/ijms232012458.
Iida K, Hashimoto Y, Orita K, Nishino K, Kinoshita T, Nakamura H
20, Intrameniscal degeneration and meniscotibial ligament loosening are associated factors with meniscal extrusion of symptomatic discoid lateral meniscus. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2023 Jun;31(6):2358-2365. doi: 10.1007/s00167-022-07161-6. Nishino K, Hashimoto Y, Iida K, Kinoshita T, Nakamura H.
21, Evaluation of the knee joint morphology associated with a complete discoid lateral meniscus, as a function of skeletal maturity, using magnetic resonance imaging. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2023 Apr;143(4):2095-2102. doi: 10.1007/s00402-022-04538-7. Kinoshita T, Hashimoto Y, Iida K, Nakamura H.
22, Surgical Management of Discoid Lateral Meniscus With Anterior Peripheral Instability: Retaining an Adequate Residual Meniscus Volume. Arthroscopy technique. 2022 Jun 8;11(7):e1141-e1147. Hashimoto Y, Yamasaki S, Guttmann D, Reid JB, Marvil S, Kinoshita T, Nakamura H.
23, Transplantation of Parathyroid Hormone-Treated Achilles Tendon Promotes Meniscal Regeneration in a Rat Meniscal Defect Model. Nishino K, Hashimoto Y, Nishida Y, Orita K, Takigami J, Nakamura H. Am J Sports Med. 2022 Sep;50(11):3102-3111 doi: 10.1177/03635465221112954.
24, ACL Graft Matching: Cadaveric Comparison of Microscopic Anatomy of Quadriceps and Patellar Tendon Grafts and the Femoral ACL Insertion Site. Kinoshita T, Hashimoto Y, Iida K, Nakamura H. Am J Sports Med. 2022 Sep;50(11):2953-2960. doi: 10.1177/03635465221110895.
25, Association of Postoperative Lateral Meniscal Extrusion With Cartilage Degeneration on Magnetic Resonance Imaging After Discoid Lateral Meniscus Reshaping Surgery. Nishino K, Hashimoto Y, Iida K, Nishida Y, Yamasaki S, Nakamura H. Orthop J Sports Med. 2022 May 4;10(5):23259671221091997. doi: 10.1177/23259671221091997.
26, Comparison of the Healing Outcomes of Conservative Treatment for Stable Juvenile Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Lateral Femoral Condyle With Normal Lateral Meniscus and Incomplete Discoid Lateral Meniscus. Takigami J, Hashimoto Y, Tomihara T, Taniuchi M, Katsuda H.J Pediatr Orthop. 2022 Jul 1;42(6):e649-e655. doi: 10.1097/BPO.0000000000002150.
27, Comparison of new and old all-inside suture devices in meniscal cyst formation rates after meniscal repair. Kinoshita T, Hashimoto Y, Nishino K, Nishida Y, Takahashi S, Nakamura H.Int Orthop. 2022 Jul;46(7):1563-1571. doi: 10.1007/s00264-022-05375-4.
28, Surgical excision of heterotopic ossification associated with anti-N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor encephalitis: A case report. Iida K, Hashimoto Y, Okazaki S, Nishida Y, Nakamura H.Int J Surg Case Rep. 2021 Dec;89:106643. doi: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2021.106643.
29, Arthroscopic Saucerization with Inside-Out Repair and Anterocentral Shift of a Discoid Lateral Meniscus with Rentention of Adequate Volume of Residual Meniscus. Hashimoto Y, Yamasaki S, Reid JB, Guttmann D, Nishino K, Nakamura H. Arthroscopy technique 2021. 10(11):e2553-e2557.
30, Evaluation of regenerated cartilage using T2 mapping methods after opening-wedge high tibial osteotomy with microfracture at the cartilage defect: a preliminary study. Iida K, Hashimoto Y, Nishida Y, Yamasaki S, Nakamura H.J Exp Orthop. 2021 Oct 16;8(1):91
31, Arthroscopic repair for parrot beak tear of lateral meniscus with reduction suture and inside out technique. Hashimoto Y, Takigami J, Tomihara T, Salimi H, Katsuda H, Shimada N, Nakamura H. Arthroscopy technique 2021. 10(12):e2633-e2637.
32, Heated Tobacco Products Impair Cell Viability, Osteoblastic Differentiation, and Bone Fracture Healing. Nishino K, Tamai K, Orita K, Hashimoto Y, Nakamura H. JBJS Am. 2021.3;103(21):2024-2031.
33, An adult case of spontaneous healing of concurrent osteochondritis dissecans of the lateral femoral condyle after saucerization with meniscal repair for discoid lateral meniscus: A case report.
Nishino K, Hashimoto Y, Nishida Y, Yamasaki S, Nakamura H.Int J Surg Case Rep. 2021 Sep 23;87:106427. doi: 10.1016/j.ijscr.2021.106427.
34, Two positioned MRI can visualize and detect the location of peripheral rim instability with snapping knee in the no-shift-type of complete discoid lateral meniscus. Hashimoto Y, Nishino K, Yamasaki S, Nishida Y, Nakamura H. Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery. 2022 Aug;142(8):1971-1977. doi: 10.1007/s00402-021-04148-9. Online ahead of print.
35, Serum COMP Detects Early OA in Patients with ACL Deficiency. Nishida Y, Hashimoto Y, Orita K, Nishino K, Kinoshita T, Nakamura H. Arthroscopy 2022 Mar;38(3):873-878.
36, Morphological Changes in the Residual Meniscus After Reshaping Surgery for Discoid Lateral Meniscus. Kazuya Nishino, Yusuke Hashimoto, Syuko Tsumoto, Shinya Yamasaki, Hiroaki Nakamura. Am J Sports Med. 2021 Oct;49(12):3270-3278. doi: 10.1177/03635465211033586.
37, Serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein is correlated with quantitative magnetic resonance imaging and arthroscopic cartilage findings in anterior cruciate ligament deficient knees without osteoarthritic changes. Nishida Y, Hashimoto Y, Orita K, Nishino K, Kinoshita T, Nakamura H. Clin Rheumatol. 2021.Nov;40(11):4629-4638.
38, Biochemical characteristics and clinical result of bone marrow-derived fibrin clot for repair of isolated meniscal injury in the avascular zone. Hashimoto Y, Nishino K, Orita K, Yamasaki S, Nishida Y, Kinoshita T, Nakamura H. Arthroscopy. 2022 Feb;38(2):441-449.
39, Autologous Platelet-Rich Fibrin Membrane to Augment Healing of Microfracture Has Better Macroscopic and Histologic Grades Compared With Microfracture Alone on Chondral Defects in a Rabbit Model. Kinoshita T, Hashimoto Y, Orita K, Nishida Y, Nishino K, Nakamura H. Arthroscopy. 2022 Feb;38(2):417-426.
40, Comparison of Labrum Resistance Force while Pull-Probing In Vivo and Cadaveric Hips.
Hananouchi T, Uchida S, Hashimoto Y, Noboru F, Aoki SK. Biomimetics (Basel). 2021 May 31;6(2):35. doi: 10.3390/biomimetics6020035.
41, Evaluation of knee bone morphology in juvenile patients with complete discoid lateral meniscus using magnetic resonance imaging. Kinoshita T, Hashimoto Y, Nishida Y, Iida K, Nakamura H.Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2022 Apr;142(4):649-655. doi: 10.1007/s00402-021-03908-x.
42, Predictive signs of peripheral rim instability with magnetic resonance imaging in no-shift-type complete discoid lateral meniscus. Hashimoto Y, Nishino K, Yamasaki S, Nishida Y, Takahashi S, Nakamura H. Skeletal Radiol. 2021. 50(9):1829-1836 doi: 10.1007/s00256-021-03753-4. 2021 Sep;50(9):1829-1836.
43, Risk Factors for Postoperative Graft Laxity without Re-injury after Double-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Recreational Athletes. Yamasaki S, Hashimoto Y, Iida K, Nishino K, Nishida Y, Takigami J, Takahashi S, Nakamura H. The Knee 2021 Jan;28:338-345.
44, Risk Factors Related to the Presence of Meniscal Injury and Irreparable Meniscal Tear at Primary Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. Tomihara T, Hashimoto Y, Takahashi S, Taniuchi M, Takigami J, Okazaki S, Shimada N. Orthop J Sports Med. 2021 Mar 4;9(3):2325967121989036.
45, Magnetic Resonance Imaging T2 Relaxation Times of Articular Cartilage before and after Arthroscopic Surgery for Discoid Lateral Meniscus. Nishino K, Hashimoto Y, Nishida Y, Yamasaki S, Nakamura H. Arthroscopy. 2021. 37(2) :647-654.
46, Patients with a quadriceps tendon shorter than 60 mm require a patellar bone plug autograft in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Yamasaki S, Hashimoto Y, Han C, Nishino K, Hidaka N, Nakamura H. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2021 Jun;29(6):1927-1935.
47, Intra-Articular Injection of Stromal Cell-Derived Factor 1α Promotes Meniscal Healing via Macrophage and Mesenchymal Stem Cell Accumulation in a Rat Meniscal Defect Model. Nishida Y, Hashimoto Y, Orita K, Nishino K, Kinoshita T, Nakamura H. Int J Mol Sci. 2020 Jul 30;21(15):E5454.
48, Factors Related to Postoperative Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Lateral Femoral Condyle After Meniscal Surgery in Juvenile Patients With a Discoid Lateral Meniscus. Hashimoto Y, Nishino K, Reid JB 3rd, Yamasaki S, Takigami J, Tomihara T, Takahashi S, Shimada N, Nakamura H.J Pediatr Orthop. 2020 Oct;40(9):e853-e859.
49, Arthroscopic debridement for gouty arthritis of the knee caused by anorexia nervosa: A case report. Kinoshita T, Hashimoto Y, Okano T, Nishida Y, Nakamura H.J Orthop Sci. 2020 Jul 3:S0949-2658(20)30136-6.
50, Abnormal displacement of discoid lateral meniscus with snapping knee detected by full extension and deep flexion MRI: Report of two cases. Hashimoto Y, Kazuya N, Takigami J, Yamasaki S, Tomihara T, Shimada N, Nakamura H.Asia Pac J Sports Med Arthrosc Rehabil Technol. 2020 Apr 10;21:1-4.
51, Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with anterior closing wedge osteotomy for failed high tibial osteotomy-A case report. Nishino K, Hashimoto Y, Nishida Y, Nakamura H. Int J Surg Case Rep. 2020;73:116-120.
52, Assessment of Meniscal Healing Status by Magnetic Resonance Imaging T2 Mapping After Meniscal Repair. Yamasaki S, Hashimoto Y, Nishida Y, Teraoka T, Terai S, Takigami J, Nakamura H.Am J Sports Med. 2020 Mar;48(4):853-860.
53, Donor Site Evaluation After Osteochondral Autograft Transplantation for Capitellar Osteochondritis Dissecans. Matsuura T, Hashimoto Y, Kinoshita T, Nishino K, Nishida Y, Takigami J, Katsuda H, Shimada N. Am J Sports Med. 2019 Oct;47(12):2836-2843.
54, The relationship between graft intensity on MRI and tibial tunnel placement in anatomical double-bundle ACL reconstruction. Teraoka T, Hashimoto Y, Takahashi S, Yamasaki S, Nishida Y, Nakamura H. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2019 ;29(8):1749-1758. doi: 10.1007/s00590-019-02518-z.
55.Transplantation of autologous bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells under arthroscopic surgery with microfracture versus microfracture alone for articular cartilage lesions in the knee: A multicenter prospective randomized control clinical trial. Hashimoto Y, Nishida Y, Takahashi S, Nakamura H, Mera H, Kashiwa K, Yoshiya S, Inagaki Y, Uematsu K, Tanaka Y, Asada S, Akagi M, Fukuda K, Hosokawa Y, Myoui A, Kamei N, Ishikawa M, Adachi N, Ochi M, Wakitani S.Regen Ther. 2019 Jun 28;11:106-113. doi: 10.1016/j.reth.2019.06.002.
56. Incidence and Risk Factors for Meniscal Cyst After Meniscal Repair. Nishino K, Hashimoto Y, Nishida Y, Terai S, Takahashi S, Yamasaki S, Nakamura H. Arthroscopy. 2019 Apr;35(4):1222-1229. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2018.11.039.
57. Prevalence, development, and factors associated with cyst formation after meniscal repair with the all-inside suture device. Terai S, Hashimoto Y, Yamasaki S, Takahashi S, Shimada N, Nakamura H. Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2019 139(9):1261-1268.doi: 10.1007/s00402-019-03176-w.
58. Shallowknee flexion angle during femoral tunnel creation using modified transtibial technique can reduce femoral graft bending angle in ACL reconstruction. Tomihara T, Hashimoto Y, Taniuchi M, Takigami J, Takahashi S, Nishida Y, Shimada N. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2019 Feb;27(2):618-625. doi: 10.1007/s00167-018-5191-0.
59. Predictive factors for osteochondritis dissecans of the lateral femoral condyle concurrent with a discoid lateral meniscus. Takigami J, Hashimoto Y, Tomihara T, Yamasaki S, TamaiK, Kondo K, Nakamura H.Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2018 Mar;26(3):799-805. doi: 10.1007/s00167-017-4451-8.
60. Comparison of Clinical and Radiographic Outcomes Between Central and Lateral Lesions After Osteochondral Autograft Transplantation for Osteochondritis Dissecans of the Humeral Capitellum. Matsuura T, Hashimoto Y, Nishino K, Nishida Y,Takahashi S, Shimada N. Am J Sports Med. 2017 Dec;45(14):3331-3339. doi:10.1177/0363546517730358.
61. One-stage revision ACL reconstruction after primary ACL double bundle reconstruction: is bone-patella tendon-bone autograft reliable? Tomihara T, Hashimoto Y, Taniuchi M, Takigami J, Han C, Shimada N.Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2017 May;25(5):1653-1661. doi: 10.1007/s00167-017-4483-0.
62. Relationship between femoral tunnel location and graft bending angle in outside-in and transportal technique for ACL double bundle reconstruction in 3D-CT study. Tomihara T, Hashimoto Y, Taniuchi M, Shimada N.Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2015 Jun;135(6):839-46. doi: 10.1007/s00402-015-2226-6.
63. Risk Factors Associated With Knee Joint Degeneration After Arthroscopic Reshaping for Juvenile Discoid Lateral Meniscus. Yamasaki S, Hashimoto Y, Takigami J, Terai S, Takahashi S,Nakamura H. Am J Sports Med. 2017 Mar;45(3):570-577. doi:10.1177/0363546516668623.
64. The origin and distribution of CD68, CD163, and αSMA+ cells in the early phase after meniscal resection in a parabiotic rat model. Terai S, Hashimoto Y, Orita K, Yamasaki S, Takigami J, Shinkuma T, Teraoka T, Nishida Y, Takahashi M, Nakamura H. Connect Tissue Res. 2017 Nov;58(6):562-572. doi:10.1080/03008207.2017.1284825.
65. Circulating nucleated peripheral blood cells contribute to early-phase meniscal healing. Yamasaki S, Hashimoto Y, Takigami J, Terai S, Takahashi M, Wakitani S, Nakamura H.J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2017 Mar;11(3):609-617. doi:10.1002/term.1955.
66. A case of asymptomatic bilateral massive pulmonary embolism after arthroscopic multiple knee ligament reconstruction. Takigami J, Hashimoto Y, Yamasaki S, Terai S, Nakamura H. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2017 Jan;25(1):260-262. doi: 10.1007/s00167-014-3466-7.
67. Effect of the direct injection of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in hyaluronic acid and bone marrow stimulation to treat chondral defects in the canine model. Yamasaki S, Hashimoto Y, Takigami J, Terai S, Mera H, Nakamura H, Wakitani S.Regen Ther. 2015 Nov 26;2:42-48. doi: 10.1016/j.reth.2015.10.003.
68. Direct bone-to-bone integration between recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2-injected tendon graft and tunnel wall in an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction model. Takigami J, Hashimoto Y, Yamasaki S, Terai S, Nakamura H. Int Orthop. 2015 Jul;39(7):1441-7. doi: 10.1007/s00264-015-2774-y.
69. Proposed Referential Index to Resect Femoroacetabular Cam-Type Impingement During Arthroscopy Using a Cadaveric Hip Model. Yamasaki S, Hashimoto Y, Terai S, Takigami J, Takahashi S, Nakamura H. Arthroscopy. 2015 Jun;31(6):1069-76. doi: 10.1016/j.arthro.2014.12.024.
70, Cartilage Repair with Autologous Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell Transplantation: Review of Preclinical and Clinical Studies. Yamasaki S, Mera H, Itokazu M, Hashimoto Y, Wakitani S. Cartilage. 2014 Oct;5(4):196-202. doi: 10.1177/1947603514534681.
71.No difference in in vivo polyethylene wear particles between oxidized zirconium and cobalt-chromium femoral component in total knee arthroplasty. Minoda Y, Hata K, Iwaki H, Ikebuchi M, Hashimoto Y, Inori F, Nakamura H.Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2014 Mar;22(3):680-6. doi: 10.1007/s00167-013-2724-4.
72. Potential for Tumorigenesis and Repair of Osteochondral Defects by iPS Cell Transplantation in Rat. H. Mera, J. Takigami, Y. Tamamura, M. Itokazu, M. Yamazoe, Y. Hashimoto, N. Endo, and S. Wakitani. American Journal of Tissue Engineering and Stem Cell (2014) Vol. 1 No. 1 pp. 39- 50
73. Anterior Opening Wedge Osteotomy of the Proximal Tibia for Genu Recurvatum Caused by Partial Proximal Tibial Epiphyseal Arrest. Hara Y, Hashimoto Y, Takigami J, Yamasaki S, Nakamura H. 2013 Journal of Case Reports in Medicine Vol. 2 Article ID 235710, 4 pages
74.Gastrocnemius contracture caused by traumatic injury without fracture: a case report. Takigami J, Hashimoto Y, Yamasaki S, Hara Y, Nishikino S, Nakamura H.Foot Ankle Int. 2011 Dec;32(12):1152-4. doi: 10.3113/FAI.2011.1152.
75.ACL reconstruction using bone-tendon-bone graft engineered from the semitendinosus tendon by injection of recombinant BMP-2 in a rabbit model. Hashimoto Y, Naka Y, Fukunaga K, Nakamura H, Takaoka K.J Orthop Res. 2011Dec;29(12):1923-30. doi: 10.1002/jor.21455. Epub 2011
76. Naka Y, Hashimoto Y, et al. Repair of a meniscus defect through cartilaginous mataplasia of the autogenous tendon graft by injecting recombinant bone morphogenetic protein-2. J Musculoskeletal Res,14,4 :1-10, 2011
77. Sagittal alignment of the lower extremity while standing in female. Sugama R, Minoda Y, Kobayashi A, Iwaki H, Ikebuchi M, Hashimoto Y, Takaoka K, Nakamura H. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2011 Jan;19(1):74-9. doi: 10.1007/s00167-010-1137-x.
78. Antitumor necrotic factor agent promotes BMP-2-induced ectopic bone formation. Eguchi Y, Wakitani S, Imai Y, Naka Y, Hashimoto Y, Nakamura H, Takaoka K.J
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79. Highly sensitive ELISA for determining serum keratan sulphate levels in the diagnosis of OA. Wakitani S, Okabe T, Kawaguchi A, Nawata M, Hashimoto Y.
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80.In vivo comparison of wear particles between highly crosslinked polyethylene and conventional polyethylene in the same design of total knee arthroplasties. Iwakiri K, Minoda Y, Kobayashi A, Sugama R, Iwaki H, Inori F, Hashimoto Y, Ohashi H, Ohta Y, Fukunaga K, Takaoka K.J Biomed Mater Res B Appl Biomater. 2009 Nov;91(2):799-804. doi: 10.1002/jbm.b.31458.
81.The incidence of the patellar clunk syndrome in a recently designed mobile-bearing posteriorly stabilised total knee replacement. Fukunaga K, Kobayashi A, Minoda Y, Iwaki H, Hashimoto Y, Takaoka K.J Bone Joint Surg Br. 2009 Apr;91(4):463-8. doi: 10.1302/0301-620X.91B4.21494.
82. RNA interference for noggin enhances the biological activity of bone morphogenetic proteins in vivo and in vitro. Takayama K, Suzuki A, Manaka T, Taguchi S, Hashimoto Y, Imai Y, Wakitani S, Takaoka K.J Bone Miner Metab. 2009;27(4):402-11. doi: 10.1007/s00774-009-0054-x.
83.Repair of long intercalated rib defects in dogs using recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 delivered by a synthetic polymer and beta-tricalcium phosphate. Hoshino M, Egi T, Terai H, Namikawa T, Kato M, Hashimoto Y, Takaoka K.J Biomed Mater Res A. 2009 Aug;90(2):514-21. doi: 10.1002/jbm.a.32123.
84. Bilateral osteochondritis dissecans of the lateral femoral condyle following bilateral total removal of lateral discoid meniscus: a case report. Hashimoto Y, Yoshida G, Tomihara T, Matsuura T, Satake S, Kaneda K, Shimada N.Arch Orthop Trauma Surg. 2008 Nov;128(11):1265-8.
85.Skiing-induced rupture of the extensor pollicis longus tendon: a report of three cases. Uemura T, Kazuki K, Hashimoto Y, Takaoka K.Clin J Sport Med. 2008 May;18(3):292-4. doi: 10.1097/JSM.0b013e31816a1c83.
86.Expression profiles of phosphodiesterase 4D splicing variants in osteoblastic cells. Nomura-Furuwatari C, Wakitani S, Hashimoto Y, Imai Y, Ohta Y, Nakagawa K, Nakao Y, Takayama K, Manaka T, Takaoka K.J Bone Miner Metab. 2008;26(2):152-8. doi: 10.1007/s00774-007-0803-7.
87.Generation of tendon-to-bone interface “enthesis” with use of recombinant BMP-2 in a rabbit model. Hashimoto Y, Yoshida G, Toyoda H, Takaoka K.J Orthop Res. 2007 Nov;25(11):1415-24.
88. Bilateral discoid medial menisci accompanied by distal arthrogryposis: a case report. Komatsu T, Hashimoto Y, Sakanaka H, Gotani H, Yamano Y. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2007 Apr;15(4):424-6. Epub 2006 Sep 16.
89. Mutation (D472Y) in the type 3 repeat domain of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein affects its early vesicle trafficking in endoplasmic reticulum and induces apoptosis. Hashimoto Y, Tomiyama T, Yamano Y, Mori H. Am J Pathol. 2003 Jul;163(1):101-10.

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International Society of Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthpaedic Sports Medicine(ISAKOS), the European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy(ESSKA), Asia-Pacific Knee, Arthroscopy and Sports Medicine Society (APPKASS), Society for Tennis Medicine and science (STMS) Active member, 日本整形外科学会、日本スポーツ整形外科学会、日本膝関節学会、日本臨床スポーツ医学会、日本臨床バイオメカ学会、日本軟骨代謝学会、日本骨代謝学会、日本再生医療学会、日本関節病学会、中部整形災害外科学会、関西関節鏡・膝研究会、日本運動器移植・再生医学研究会、関西臨床スポーツ医・科学研究会、関西AKO研究会

<職  歴>
大阪労災病院 整形外科 研修医  (1997年 4月1999年 3月まで)
大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科 整形外科 後期臨床研究医 (2003年 4月~2007年 3月)
大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科 整形外科 助教 (2007年 4月~2009年 6月)
大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科 整形外科学 講師 (2009年 7月~2017年 9月)
Taos Orthopaedic Institute international fellow(アメリカ合衆国) (2018年 3月まで)
大阪市立大学大学院医学研究科 整形外科学 講師 (2018~2022)
大阪公立大学大学院医学研究科 整形外科学 講師 (~2023年 3月)


日本整形外科学会専門医、日本整形外科スポーツ認定医、日本医師会認定健康スポーツ医、日本スポーツ協会公認スポーツドクター、 日本パラスポーツ協会公認パラスポーツ医、日本膝関節学会関節鏡技術認定医、日本再生医療学会再生医療認定医

